To the Town Centre, Corfe Castle, Dorset

Painting Description

This ancient town still holds its almost spooky feeling of its eleventh century roots. Clearly much has been done to hold in check all the potential for modern development which would be a shame. The National Trust administers the Castle which draws hordes of people, not only tourists from abroad, but also locals. Bands of school kids gather in the square near the sweet shop, noisily loitering while they kill time to board the school buses lined up to transport them home.

We have been members of the National Trust since 1989. This organization which preserves historic properties in the U.K. is often the guiding light that draws us to various areas for our annual U.K. holiday. I believe that without the National Trust and their many functions, we would not be nearly as keen on the U.K. If a person enjoys British costume dramas, these properties which are often the settings, offer much to feed the spirit. The beautiful gardens, that I often paint, are an added inducement to visit these properties.

See also PS160 Corfe Castle, Dorset

Additional information

Medium Value




Base Value


Image ID


Original Size

6" x 8"