Team at Bat

Painting Description

Over the many years that I have painted, I have had a vast number of ideas for which I have prepared drawings or preliminary paintings that have not led to a further expanded work. This piece, The Team at Bat, is a preliminary study conceived as the first of a two-piece set. My initial idea was The Team at Bat and The Team in the Field. This Mennonite school yard concept painted in 1980 has yet to see its second half. At some point, I will happen upon a parochial school that will inspire with the idea for the second part.

This image is available for Licensing. Contact Cynthia [email protected] for inquiries.

Additional information



Original Size

10" x 20"

Base Value


Medium Value




Image ID


Licensing Available

This image is available for Licensing. Contact Cynthia [email protected] for inquiries.