Tea Time

Painting Description

Viewing this painting, I think of two separate tea time experiences. The first is with a ninety-year-old lady from Waterloo. She was here in my then upstairs studio for tea with her daughter who, at that time, lived in Toronto. Her son-in-law had been very good to me, and had reproduced one of my paintings for a corporate Christmas card during my starting-up years. The delicate old lady spoke in a very animated way about all sorts of subjects, but ended her “speech” by telling us that she could, at her age, give better advice than Dorothy Dix (an earlier Ann Landers). I do believe that she could have. The second tea time centres around a very young lady, a four-year-old who visited our rented accommodation in Herefordshire. She brought her black Labrador along for tea, but apologized for the dog who had a stone in his mouth on which he chewed quite noisily. “He doesn’t have any pockets,” said she, “so he keeps the stone in his mouth.”

This image is available for Licensing. Contact Cynthia [email protected] for inquiries.

Additional information

Image ID






Original Size

9" x 13"

Base Value


Medium Value




Licensing Available

This image is available for Licensing. Contact Cynthia [email protected] for inquiries.