Delivering Cream (Millbank Creamery)

Painting Description

When bulk milk pick-up was started by the dairies in the mid 1950’s, hydro was necessary to power the cooling of the bulk milk tanks at the farms. The Old Order Amish and some of the very conservative Mennonite groups were, at that time, opposed to hydro and so could not continue to supply dairies with milk. It should be said too that many of the Amish farms provided very small amounts of milk as the size of their herds was small. It is totally understandable that having no milking machines, because of the ruling against hydro, meant hand milking, a laborious job. Taking the cream to the creamery was the solution that many of the Amish chose as a way of keeping at least a small bit of cash flow.

Additional information

Base Value




Medium Value


Image ID


Original Size

12" x 16"