House with a Heart

Painting Description

Passing by this farm house northwest of Hawkesville, it would be very easy to miss this touching bit of folk art. I still find it difficult to image a Mennonite farmer building this house over 100 years ago when practicality meant everything, taking the care to arrange the bricks in the shape of a heart for his new wife.

I exhibited this painting at one of my annual shows and found myself closely questioned by a woman that I knew. “Where,” she asked quizzically, “is this farmhouse?” When I explained its location she became teary-eyed and said, “I was born in that house.” Not surprisingly that painting went home with her.

This image is available for Licensing. Contact Cynthia [email protected] for inquiries.

Additional information

Image ID


Original Size

12" x 16"

Base Value


Medium Value




Licensing Available

This image is available for Licensing. Contact Cynthia [email protected] for inquiries.