Fountain, Stockholm

Painting Description

This aesthetically-pleasing and spirit-boosting sculpture is found in the middle of Stockholm. This piece is traditional and contrasts with the contemporary sculpture in Millesgarten which depicts God’s fifty-foot-high hand holding a man. The most modern interpretation shows in the sculpture that stands by the Stockholm harbour. There someone has painted brown spots on leggy, ship-loading cranes to create giant giraffes that oversee the harbour. I have painted examples of all three types of sculpture and many more in various countries. I am strangely drawn to statuary. After my first year in art college, I considered majoring in sculpture but decided instead to pursue painting. Maybe that explains my many paintings of monuments, and, of course, statues don”t move which make them easy to paint.

This image is available for Licensing. Contact Cynthia [email protected] for inquiries.

Additional information


Other European



Original Size

13" x 9"

Base Value


Medium Value




Image ID


Licensing Available

This image is available for Licensing. Contact Cynthia [email protected] for inquiries.